CSS Beautifier

CSS Beautifier is easy to use tool to Beautify CSS data. Copy, Paste and Beautify.

CSS Beautifier is easy to use tool to Beautify CSS data. Copy, Paste and Beautify.


What can you do with CSS Beautifier?

  • It helps to format your Cascading Style Sheets.
  • Users can format CSS Files by simply copy-pasting their contents.


Completely free

Our tool is free to use. From now on, you don't need to download any software for such simple tasks.


Works Anywhere

BhutanIOWebTools is browser-based (no software to install). It works on any platform (Windows, Linux, Mac).




Sonam Dargay


Kuzu Zangpo la! I am Sonam Dargay. I am a full-time software developer. Apart from 9-5 office works, I am a tech enthusiast, blogger, and dreamer. I graduated from the College of Science and Technology(CST), affiliated with the Royal University of Bhutan.

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